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CSS3 font-size-adjust Property

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The font-size-adjust CSS property specifies that font size should be chosen based on the height of lowercase letters rather than the height of capital letters.

When the first-choice of a font-family specified by the author is unavailable font fallback occurs, that may results in bigger or smaller font size. The font-size-adjust property is a way to preserve the readability of text in such situation. It does this by adjusting the font-size so that the x-height is the same regardless of the font used.

The following table summarizes the usages context and the version history of this property.

Default value: none
Applies to:
All elements. It also applies to ::first-letter and ::first-line.
Inherited: Yes
Animatable: Yes. See animatable properties.
Version: New in CSS3


The syntax of the property is given with:

number | none | initial | inherit

The example below shows the font-size-adjust property in action.

p {
    font-family: "DejaVu Sans", Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size-adjust: 0.6;

Property Values

The following table describes the values of this property.

Value Description
number Specifies the aspect value used to calculate the adjusted font size.
none No font size adjustment. Choose the size of the font based only on the font-size property. This is default value.
initial Sets this property to its default value.
inherit If specified, the associated element takes the computed value of its parent element font-size-adjust property.

Browser Compatibility

The font-size-adjust property is not supported in most of the browsers.

Browsers Icon

Basic Support—

  • Firefox 3+
  • Google Chrome ×
  • Internet Explorer ×
  • Apple Safari ×
  • Opera ×

Warning: The font-size-adjust property is currently not supported by the most of the browsers. You should better avoid using this property.

Further Reading

See tutorial on: CSS Fonts, CSS Units, CSS Pseudo-elements.

Related properties and at-rules: font, font-family, font-size, font-stretch, font-style, font-variant, font-weight, @font-face.

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